START YOUR ENGINES 2024-08-15T21:22:02+00:00

Getting Started With a New Speedway?

Be ready on Day One. 
Here is the system with 10 radios and 8 headsets we suggest:

Qty. Model Each Total Description
10 FREEDOM‑U 189.90 1899.00 FREEDOM, UHF handheld  two-way, 16 channel
8 BOSSII 189.90 1519.20 BOSSII, dual ear, noise cancelling, headset
2 LMF PLUS 39.90 79.80 Lapel speaker/microphone for FREEDOM
10 CLF 3.49  34.90 Belt clip for FREEDOM
1 STF 129.90 129.90 Smart charging system for FREEDOM
 Total cost 3662.80
 LESS 5% discount
 YOU PAY 3479.66

Terms, conditions, and prices effective July 1, 2024